About me..


So nice to see you on my website! Let me tell you something about myself.. 

My name is Bo Maeijer, I am a 22 year old girl from The Netherlands and I have a passion for traveling. I have been to many places and multiple continents of the world and I love to share my stories and tips about these amazing places. 

But as we maybe all know, the world is changing because of climate change and the world is in need of more sustainable options in life. The travel industry adds a huge amount of CO2 to the atmosphere and therefore we need to change our way of travelling. 

I am not only interested in the environmental aspect of sustainability, I think it is also very important to look at the social side of responsible travel. Therefore I want to dedicate a part of this website to posts about people that inspire me in some way. 

So where did my interest in responsible travel come from?

As a kid I already had a big love for animals and wanted to be a vegetarian, still it took me 17 years to decide to really stop eating meat. At first I did not want to eat meat because of animal cruelty, but in 2016 I started my studies at Wageningen University and Research focussing on Sustainable Development of Tourism. Here I learned about environmental impacts of tourism but also, for instance, of the meat industry. 

Of course, me being a vegetarian is not enough. I want to be MORE sustainable and live more responsibly. With two student colleagues we decided to focus our 2nd year research project on the waste management of the Indonesian Islands Sumba and Belitung. We visited places like wastedumps and spoke to people of the government. This research opened my eyes about the plastic waste problem even more and I felt like I wanted to do more in my life about this problem. 

The next year I had to write my Bachelor’s thesis and I decided to write this again about the plastic problem. For this research I went to Isole Tremiti in Italy to do research into their ban on Single Use Plastics..

You can read more about this research and other stories of me soon on my website!

Stay tuned!



Countries visited
casablanca mosque